This week we began Our Five Senses unit, focusing on our sense of Sight.
We paired up and looked into each other's eyes to study all the different parts. I turned off the lights and turned them back on again so the children could see the pupil dilate and contract.
We used a mirror to observe our own eyes.
The children looked closely at the colors in their iris.
After studying our eyes very carefully . . .
We made observational drawings.
We discussed the purpose of our eyelashes and eyelids and studied them closely as well.
We talked about what a blessing our sense of sight is,
and all the wonderful colors we get to enjoy.
We made a special color book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See?"
We learned good coloring practices and tried our
best to use a variety of color and nice even strokes.
Reese read our completed story for us.
We talked about how some people don't have the sense of sight
and must use their other senses to help them "see" the world around them.
We used our sense of touch to help us play a "Guess Who" game
We used our sense of touch and hearing to help us find our
way across the preschool room and into our seats.
For Therrific Thursday we performed a science experiment using colors.
We filled in the colors of our materials and made a hypothesis as to what color would result when mixing two primary colors.
Then we tested our hypothesis!
Next week we'll continue our unit on Our Five Senses . . . See you then!