Saturday, April 13, 2013

March 12th - Explore the Rainbow

This week we played with colors and worked on color word recognition.

Here's our first experiment with colors:
Each student took a turn picking up a spoon with "magic dust" 
and choosing a cup to stir the liquid with.
Once stirred, the liquid magically turned into a color!
It was pretty exciting : )

After the color appeared, the students had to choose the correct color word and tape it up on the board next to the color.  A fun way to test our skills in color word recognition!

This week we also performed a color mixing experiment.
We started with our primary colors and each took turns mixing and pouring at different stages of the experiment.

After each stage we recorded our results onto a circle chart.  

We also continued working on letter name and sound recognition.

To improve reading comprehension, we've started our "A's & B's" questions - ask your child about this program - they'll know exactly what you're talking about : )
I read the students a short story and ask them 5-6 questions about the story.  For each question there are two choices for the correct answer - an 'A' answer and a 'B' answer.  The questions may be about the main idea, the genre of the text, an inference based on details of the story, etc.  After reading the question and providing the answer choices, the students hold up which letter they believe is correct.  This helps me make a quick comprehension assessment for each child.  

Montego LOVED being the "Good Deeds" student this week!
While observing the class, the "Good Deeds" student gives stamps to those students exemplifying positive behavior.  They are also in charge of checking the students work for neatness and awarding them with a stamp if they think they have tried their best.  Each student gets a turn to have this job.  I'm sure you can see how it really benefits all the students!  

Here we are hard at work!

 Here the girls, who have finished their seat work, try to form CVC words using magnetic letter tiles.

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