Thursday, September 22, 2011

Therrific Thursdays!

We chewed bubblegum while we sang one of our favorite songs today "Bubblegum" - well, okay, we did it yesterday, too - but Ellie missed it, so we had to do it again!
After reading our books in the morning, we have "Chat Time". The children each have the opportunity to share with us anything they'd like to. This activity has many purposes: they must raise their hand and wait patiently, show respect when someone else is talking, choose something to talk about on their own, and have the courage to say it in front of everyone.
In this picture Connor is telling us about his strikes while bowling with his family.
Our Balanced Literacy Activity today was a combination of Interactive Reading (Reese chose to point to each word of the book and let others read along with her) . . .
. . . and Independent Reading (Ellie chose to read her individual book to the class). I encourage the children to point to each word as they read it so they understand where the meaning is coming from, as well as the concept that individual words make sentences.
We learned the song "Hey Diddle, Diddle" today - hopefully they can sing it to you! We colored and cut out the pictures (trying to develop our fine motor skills), and then sequenced them correctly to make their own book.
Even though I put a ton of work into the rest of the day, no child will deny their favorite part of the day is play time (soon to be "centers") and snack time - what can you do though?!
Kensington and Bailee were trying to find the princess whose foot would fit the shoe - luckily Ellie was it. Logan, Reese, Connor, and Alaina made a "store" today and took turns buying things from each other. Other highlights - Connor in a hulk costume and Logan in a spiderman costume - unfortunately no photographic proof of that though:)
Hope you each have a great weekend! See you Tuesday!!

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