Thursday, April 12, 2012

Our Sense of Hearing

We had so much fun exploring our sense of hearing this week!

We began with a clipboard walk to record the sounds we observed while outside.

We heard dogs barking, birds chirping, planes, cars, buses (according to some children), phones ringing . . . and even a toilet flushing : )

And since we were outside anyway . . .
we couldn't help but play a game of "Red light, Green light!"

Still lovin' The Bean Bag song!

The children are pro's at balancing bean bags on their heads now!

In math, we are learning the beginning concepts of addition.
After flipping five pennies, the children separated them into two groups, heads and tails, and counted the number of pennies in each group. Then, they counted how many pennies all together and recorded the answer.

Using colors to distinguish groups, the children created two groups and recorded
how many were in each group. Then, they added the two groups together and
recorded how many circles in all.

We also learned the name and sound for the letter 'c' .

We sure missed Ellie this week, who was sick . . . hope to see her next week!

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