Tuesday, May 7, 2013

April 15th - Growing Seeds ( . . .and Kids!)

This week we celebrated Ellie's Birthday!
The Birthday Girl was so very generous and brought in a treat and toy for everyone!

The Bubble Sword Wands were a huge hit!  Thanks Ellie!

 We reviewed the letter D this week.  
Bailee showed us the correct letter formation to use while practicing our penmanship.

 We identified all the 'd's and the high frequency word 'can' in our Dd Books.

Our Theme this week was all about Plants.

We got up close and personal with seeds.

 After discussing the parts of a seed, we soaked our seeds in warm water to discover for ourselves what was inside.  We then took apart our seeds and identified the outer coat, the baby plant, and the food for the baby plant inside the seed.

Then we made an observational drawing of our findings, labeling each part.
A labelled illustration is typically found in nonfiction/informational texts.  We have been learning about different genres of books lately and this was a great opportunity to create our own informational diagram.

After talking about what a plant needs in order to grow, 

we planted our own seeds!  

We created a suitable environment for our seeds to sprout.  
The students took their "Sprout Houses" home to tape them on a window and watch them grow!

We formed a hypothesis on what would happen to our seeds and 
what we thought they might grow in to!

This week in math, we learned about money and the value of coins.
 We looked closely at the front and back of each coin, and made a rubbing of the textures. We talked about the value the coins have and played some money/store games to test our knowledge.

We continued to talk about word families and made a fun word wheel to go with the 'ap' word family.

And, as promised, here's some more pictures of "The Story of the Tree".

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